
The VINSF expands access to Nordic skiing for Visually Impaired (VI)athletes by providing financial support for skiers and Guides, training, and introducing VI youth to the sport, creating opportunities for participation, growth, and excellence.

Nordic ski racing is expensive. A visually impaired skier pays twice.

Visually Impaired people need a guide every time they want to Nordic Ski. The lack of Guides and expenses for the VI Nordic skier are major obstacles that often prohibit VI athletes from Nordic skiing and racing.

Join our community and support a VI Nordic skier today!

Your generous donation will help cover Guide expenses such as meals, track fees, memberships, plane tickets, and lodging.


Covers track fees and memberships for both skier and Guide.


Sponsors Guide housing for one week.


Supports travel, meals, and lodging for VI ski Guide.


Pays for a full race event for VI skier and Guide.

Interested in learning to guide a VI Nordic Skier?

There simply aren’t enough trained Nordic ski Guides for visually impaired skiers. VI Nordic racers often struggle to find Guides for competitions at all levels and may miss out on racing opportunities when a qualified Guide isn’t available.

Building the Future of VI Nordic Skiing

For long term and sustainable growth of VI Nordic skiing in the U.S., young athletes must have opportunities to start early. The VINSF is committed to launching a VI youth Nordic ski program, training more Guides, and ensuring ongoing financial support to make the sport more accessible and affordable. This next phase is planned for winter 2026 or 2027, and we need visionary leaders and passionate supporters to help bring it to life.

Be a Part of the Vision - Join Us!

Lend your expertise, join the board, support the strategic planning, provide financial resources, or connect us with like-minded advocates. Together, we can create life-changing opportunities for VI skiers.